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Layout Guide Rules

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  1. No Prafanity - Let's keep this clean and professional
  2. Please use proper grammar and spelling. No netspeak or leetspeak.
  3. Enclose code into [code] blocks, and if the code is a long chunk, please select the appropriate language for the highlighting, such as [code=html]
  4. If you need to attach files, you are free to do so by creating a private thread for yourself, and then uploading the appropriate files to yourself. Lets try to keep files off the public locations like imageshack and photobucket because we never know when they'll purge their files. Hosting them here means that they'll be here as long as this is here
  5. You agree that you are giving DKPSystem.com a non-terminating license to freely publish and distribute anything that's been contributed
  6. And of course, the last rule in any set of rules for something casual is "Have Fun!" No one has any obligation to post or contribute here, and should do so only as they wish. That said, the more that contribute, the more will continue to contribute, and in a sense, it will come back to help you with your own development

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  • Last Modified: 4/2/2008 3:08pm
    Contributors: Chops
    Easy Link
    BBCode Link: [guide=layoutrules]Layout Guide Rules[/guide]
    URL: http://dkpsystem.com/guide/layoutrules