Intro to BBCode
BBCode is a type of markup language written to simplify formatting on posts. It replaces and simplifies HTML, ultimately making it easier for non-coders to format their posts exactly as they'd like.
They are done by typing enclosing the tag information inside square-brackets ( [ and ] ). For example [b] is the tag for bolding something.
Non-BBCode Filters employs a number of non-BBCode filters to quickly accommodate posters.
Posting a URL will convert it to a linkPosting a Image URL (one that ends with .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, or .png will convert to an embedded image)Posting a or Google Video URL will be converted to an embedded videoThere's one last encoding for accommodating someone who is trying to TELL someone how to use BBCode, and it's
{{ and
}} will automatically be converted to
[ and
] respectively. This allows you post BBCode that won't get rendered.
Built-in BBCode Tags
Simple Tags
[b]this text is bold[/b]Italics:
[i]this text is italics[/i]Underline:
[u]this text is underlined[/u]Strike-through:
[strike]this text is striken[/strike]Tab:
[tab] will simply insert a tab space, allowing indentation for a single line
[indent]will indent this entire block[/indent]Colors:
[red]this text is red[/red], [blue]this text is blue[/blue], [#f36f6d8]this text is the color [/#f36f6d8]Size:
[size=12]This text is 12-point font[/size], [size=24]this text is 24-point font[/size}Spoiler:
[spoiler]here is some spoiler text[/spoiler]Example: Here is a Star Wars spoiler:
(click to show spoiler)Darth Vader is Luke's FatherNot Safe For Work:
[nsfw]this is something that is not safe for work, such as an explict picture[/nsfw]Quoting: (there are three ways to quote)
[quote]This is the basic quote option[/quote]
[quote=Joe Blow]This is a quote by Joe Blow website member[/quote]
[quote=Web Address]This is a quote from the website specified in "Web Address"[/quote]Item links:
[item]Azuresong Mageblade[/item]You can also specify item links for other games, by doing the following:
[item=game]Other Item[/item]For example:
[item=war]Warlord Platecoat[/item] will make a Warhammer Online item link.
[collapse=Collapse Title]Content of the Collapsed information[/collapse]Example:
Click here to expose the Collapsed info 
Congrats, you've exposed the otherwise hidden information
[hover=Link Text]Text inside the hover[/hover]Example:
This is some information
Hover over meTables
[/table]Produces the following table:
Note: When using [cell=x,y], note that x is the number of cells to span, and y is the number of rows to span
Ordered List[o]
[/ol]Produces the following list:
- Apples
- Oranges
Bulleted List[ul]
[/ul]Produces the following:
Community Editing
There is also functionality to arbitrarily choose others who will be allowed to edit parts of your post. This is done as follows:
[commedit]others may edit this text[/commedit]Inter-guide linking
If the following formats are used on Guides, they will create (if necessary) and link to the new sub-guide. If they are used in forum posts or other "non-guides", they will simply link to the guide, if it exists.
[guide=warlockguide]The Warlock Guide[/guide] (links to the Guide with the "Easy Link Text" of "warlockguide")
[guide]Warlock Guide[/guide] (will try to find the appropriate guide to link to and change it accordingly)
Images, Links, and Flash
Note: No tags are required for images and links. If you post a URL it'll make a link out of it by default. If it ends with .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, or .png it'll insert it as an image
Links: [url=]Google[/url]
Images: [img][/img]
Images with a Width: [img=width][/img]
Images with Height and Width: [img=width,height][/img]
Flash: [flash=width,height]http://some.address/flash.swf[/flash]Custom BBCode Tag Creation
You can create custom BBCode Tags and Filters on your site. You start by going to
Admin > Forum > Custom BBCode, and click "Add New BBCode".
They rely on
Perl Regular Expressions.
Simple Example
Let's say you wanted to make a simple profanity filter.
You'd enter the following into the Regular Expressions and the Replacement Text:

Advanced Examples
Let's create a "Craigslist" tag that will automatically redirect to the relevant craigslist location. The syntax will work like this: [craigslist=town]Search query[/craigslist]
Enter it like the following:
Last Modified: 9/9/2008 9:58pm
Easy Link
BBCode Link: [guide=bbcodeguide]BBCode Guide[/guide]