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GRSS Snapshot?

GRSS Snapshot?
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Hey Chops,

Got a question for you. I am uploading my raid data and while going through the list of who has attended, I occassional need to change character names. Sometimes we have members play thier alt for specific class make ups and they would like to have the DKP credited to their mains. I use to beable to select "played by whom" (if played by someone else)and it get credited to the right account.

But for some reason it isn't crediting the Played by Whom selection. Was wondering, if had been a change to the way this was handled?

Thanks Chops =)

Looks like you found another bug. Good thing I'll be editing these pages for other stuff this week.

It's all in the reflexes.
glad to help out when ever possible =)

This one is still acting up, any eta on a fix?

This one is still acting up, any eta on a fix?

Sorry, I've been so engrossed in building the new in-game interface, that I haven't gotten to this one yet.

I'll get to it tonight or tomorrow at the latest.

It's all in the reflexes.
You're awesome Chops.


It's all in the reflexes.

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