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HFC Raid progression zone

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HFC Raid progression zone
Creator Mektasharii
Public or Private Public
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Status Open
Type Support
Section of the Site Other/Misc
Urgency (1 votes)
Rating (1 votes)
We need the HellFire Citadell progression zone added a.s.a.p please!

It will be released the 24th of June.
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3320 days ago
Mektasharii Said:
Quote by System
We need the HellFire Citadell progression zone added a.s.a.p please!

Well i solved it my self for now, but there might be other in need of it aswell.
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3316 days ago
Markane Said:
Yeah, I ended up making my own too.
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3278 days ago
Chops Said:
Sorry guys, I haven't been giving you guys the love you deserve. I'm going to spend some time today to prepare the "official" updates for HFC.

This has been a weird summer, and I apologize.
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3278 days ago
Chops Said:
HFC Icons and Raid progression added. Mods being modified to accommodate the changes.
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