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Guild Recruitment Mouseover/Hover

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Guild Recruitment Mouseover/Hover
Creator Stasya
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Status Closed
Type Support
Section of the Site Advanced Layout Options and CSS
Urgency (1 votes)
Rating (0 votes)
Is there a way to change the text and background color on the mouseover text in the Currently Recruiting menu?

It's defaulting to black text on bright yellow, whereas the progression mouseover colors are white on grey. Is there a way to change the default colors? It doesn't appear to be part of the default stylesheet unless I'm just missing it.
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5874 days ago
Chops Said:
There is now. Thanks for the suggestion.

I've added a class called "tooltip_popup", so you can reference that tooltip with:


Make SURE to use !important for those attributes that need overwriting.

For example to change the color to purple on green:

	color:purple !important;
	background:green !important;

The !importants will override the embedded style in the HTML.
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5874 days ago
Stasya Said:
Awesome! Thanks for the speedy response!
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