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Auto DKP bonuses

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Auto DKP bonuses
Creator Krawnik
Public or Private Public
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Status Open
Type Suggestion
Section of the Site DKP
Urgency (2 votes)
Rating (2 votes)
Hey Chops,

With our DKP system, we give members a DKP bonus for signing up for an event and being present on time. The way the system currently works I have to manually go through and award the bonus to those who are entitled to it individually.

My request: is it possible to implement a function that automatically compares attendance to the sign ups and awards a predetermined bonus to those who are entitled to it?

For example, there's currently a box in which to enter the raid value in the attendance section. Perhaps a second box for a sign up bonus function could be added. This would also aide another issue I'm having with rank based DKP bonuses - I think.

If this is possible, and you need more information on what I'm looking for, just ask.

Thank you in advance,
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5566 days ago
Enarra Said:
Create a Destination "Ontime Bonus" and assign it a default point value (for my guild it's 2)

Take a snapshot at the beginning of your raid once everyone has been invited. The command to type would be: /grss bonus ("bonus" is the name of the snapshot, you can call it whatever you like)

When you upload your GRSS after the raid assign that snap shot the destination of "Ontime Bonus" and everyone should be given x points for the raid.

Of course this is assuming you use a DKP system semi-similar to my own (Static Earning). I visited your site, but looks like only members can see your DKP standings so I can't tell if my method will work for you.

If it does work though it sounds like it will be easier than what you are doing right now.
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5566 days ago
Enarra Said:
Just re-reading your post, are you also giving DKP to those who are online and ready to raid but can not due to the raid being a full? A sitlist?

We give these people bonus DKP as well. To track them we use other mods, EKWaitlist and WKRaidattend. But you can also use the waitlist functions with GRSS to capture them for your screenshot.
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5566 days ago
Jedis Said:
Quote by Enarra
Create a Destination "Ontime Bonus" and assign it a default point value (for my guild it's 2)

Take a snapshot at the beginning of your raid once everyone has been invited. The command to type would be: /grss bonus ("bonus" is the name of the snapshot, you can call it whatever you like)

When you upload your GRSS after the raid assign that snap shot the destination of "Ontime Bonus" and everyone should be given x points for the raid.

We do the same thing in my guild. Whomever is there 15 minutes earlier to when the raid is supposed to start, gets a 2dkp bonus. A raid dump is taken and uploaded to the site to award it. The only problem is I believe it counts as a seperate raid and therefore counts towards someone's raid attendance percent.

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5566 days ago
Enarra Said:
Yes, it does count towards attendance. In my guild we used to not care, treating it as the first in a series of hourly attendance snapshots. We decided to change that for WotLK and now we use two DKP systems, one for just attendance snaps and one for DKP-only snaps, so boss kills and bonuses no longer count towards attendance, only the 30 min snap shots.

(The reasoning being that Nax nights would have 3 times the attendance snapshots of a progression night on 3 drake sartharion, and since our ranks are based on attendance the old system encouraged people to show up for easy Naxx nights, but not for the other more difficult evenings, now all the evenings are about the same length and equal -- It's certainly more complex for me to juggle on the site, but attendance has improved)
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5566 days ago
Jedis Said:
Isn't having two systems more difficult for people to understand?

We have a hard enough time trying to get people to look at the actual points column and not the percent column. Having to look in two different places and then add it up is too much for some people.
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5566 days ago
Enarra Said:
Well there's really no adding, one page has DKP points. The other page doesn't. The players don't really have to worry about their attendance percents (though we certainly allow them to see the page and explain it to them when they ask) all they really care about is to click on "Current Standings" and get their point totals.

To them it's no different than it was before. For the officers it's more complicated, but I do DKP alone, and there are only 2 other officers that have jobs that need to understand the system in great detail.

You can have a look at the two tables if you like:

Now if one of my tickets happens (/beg Chops) I'll be able to turn off the raid % columns from system 10 and turn off the DKP columns from system 11. But for now I just ignore them. It's complicated but it does what we need.
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5566 days ago
Krawnik Said:
Quote by Enarra
Create a Destination "Ontime Bonus" and assign it a default point value (for my guild it's 2)

Take a snapshot at the beginning of your raid once everyone has been invited. The command to type would be: /grss bonus ("bonus" is the name of the snapshot, you can call it whatever you like)

When you upload your GRSS after the raid assign that snap shot the destination of "Ontime Bonus" and everyone should be given x points for the raid.

Of course this is assuming you use a DKP system semi-similar to my own (Static Earning). I visited your site, but looks like only members can see your DKP standings so I can't tell if my method will work for you.

If it does work though it sounds like it will be easier than what you are doing right now.

I don't use GRSS. I do everything manually. I don't know if GRSS will work for AoC, and even if it did, I wouldn't use it.

If I use create a destination as you mentioned, now I'm S.O.L. in regards to entering the actual destination.

Thank you for the suggestion, I can see that you've found a work around that works for you. Unfortunately, I don't believe it would for us.

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5566 days ago
Enarra Said:
Ah, I see, I didn't realize you are an Age of Conan guild. Yes, then I guess manually is the way you would have to it.

I hope Chops can find a better solution for you.
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5565 days ago
Chops Said:
Way back in the day, before the GRSS was built, when my guild and I wanted to do an on-time bonus, we simply brought up the raid window and took a screenshot (we actually did that for all boss kills), and from there, we'd manually record the attendance.

If you treat the on-time bonus the same as you would treat the destinations, that would be quite easy to handle.

As far as creating the destination, it's worth noting that the destination being called something like "Raid Zone - On Time" would be applicable. Do you award points on a per-boss basis, Krawnik?

As far as a signed-up bonus, you take a similar function by creating a separate destination for that as well "Raid Zone - Signed Up", and then using the list of who signed up, give them points accordingly. Separating out each bonus as a separate "raid snapshot" makes for easy auditing by users and admins - rather than having to look at the numbers awarded, they can simply say "Hey, I'm missing from the on-time bonus, but I was definitely on time", rather than them asking "Why did I only get 4 points when I should have gotten 6 points?"

I realize that manual entry can be slow. Did funcom ever implement a mod or export functionality?
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5565 days ago
Krawnik Said:
I enter everything manually and am not even interested in an auto entry option like GRSS. I simply don't trust it.

Our ranks are based on raid attendance and participation, and I'm trying to find a way to make ranks have more incentive and reward attached to them.

We award DKP on a per hour basis, with an ontime and full raid bonus. So a 4 hour raid is assigned a value with the bonuses included. Those who are ontime get the full value. Those who are late lose any bonuses associated with the raid, and would also lose the rank based bonus, so I'm not concerned about the default values being overwritten in this case. Each raid night is one event. It doesn't matter if we hit 10 different zones, it all goes into one event. We're a pretty hardcore guild, so I don't have to worry about members trying to stretch events out just to get more DKP. If anyone was found to be sabotaging events in that manner, they'd find themselves booted quicker than lightning.

As it stands, I currently enter the attendance, and then have to go back through the list and add 1 point for those who had signed up in advance. The problem I'm having is that we'd like to implement a DKP bonus based on rank. When entering the sign up bonus it overrides the default value for the raid. In the testing that I've done so far towards seeing how the rank bonus implementation would work, entering the over ride value seems to disallow the rank bonus.

Even if it's to much to add an actual check vs. the sign ups, perhaps this would be feasible:

On the raid attendance entry page there is a "Points" box which assigns the value to the raid. Perhaps another box could be added for "Bonus". Once attendance is entered, members can be marked as being on Standby by checking a box next to their name. Perhaps a 2nd "Award Bonus" box could be added next to it, which would add the bonus to those members checked off, still allowing the rank based adjustment (as it is currently enabled) to still work.

It's hard describing this in a post. I hope you get the gist of what's being explained.
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5565 days ago
Krawnik Said:
After considering the replies, I'm beginning to realize that perhaps I'm asking for to much.

Perhaps this would be simpler:

Simply make it so that the rank based bonuses which can be entered per destination effect whatever the member is awarded on the attendance page, including the over written value. That would make it so I can at least find a work around within the system as it is.

So basically:

Raid is worth 10 Points.
Attendance is entered.
Those who signed up in advance get an Override value of 11.
I need the rank associated bonus to be applied to the override value.

The way the system currently works is if the raid is assigned a value of 10 points, the rank associated bonus per destination assigns an Override value to each member present. However If I already entered an override value of 10 + (sign up bonus), then those members who I awarded the sign up bonus to via the Override value are excluded from the rank associated bonus.

I created 2 raids at our Darkfall site to demonstrate this issue, Chops. Ascendantdf.DKPSystem.Com. Hopefully this will give you a better picture of what I mean.

The raid on 2/4 shows what happens when no sign up bonus is awarded. The destination based rank associated bonus is properly awarded.

The raid on 2/5 shows what happens when I do give the bonus. The destination based rank associated bonus is omitted.
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5565 days ago
Krawnik Said:
For the record, if this is to complicated to follow just let me know. I'll find a way to adjust the way things get done on our end somehow, I've been pretty good at doing that so far lol.

If you can get 'er done, bonus!
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