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GRSS Mod Help

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GRSS Mod Help
Creator Mandrella
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Status Open
Type Support
Section of the Site DKP
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I just renewed my subscription for our web site. This time I upgraded it to include the DKP system. We might consider using a DKP system in the future. I downloaded the GRSS mod so I could upload the WoW in game calendar to our web page. We currently use the roll system with limits of one item and one tier piece per raid. Since I'm running the GRSS mod anyways I was thinking it would be nice if I could save who won what item and maybe include the roll results and upload it to our web page. To be honest the GRSS mod is a little confusing. My raid admin handles the the loot is currently using LootHog so I will need to be able to explain to my raid admin how to use GRSS for this purpose. Lets just say this is one step closer to my guild using a DKP system. I have read the page with all the GRSS info and thank in advance for any help or advice.
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5460 days ago
Chops Said:
Sorry for the delayed response here.

The GRSS doesn't currently record the roll numbers for posterity for the upload, it just takes care of rolls during the rolling process, but once they're cleared, they're gone forever.

Also, unfortunately, the GRSS doesn't record how many items an individual has gotten that day, at least not in an easily queryable manner, like how you need.

That said, the items do get recorded, and as long as you upload the GuildRaidSnapShot.lua file (from the WTF folder) at the end of your raid, your item history and snapshot history for that night should be imported to your site.

Does that sort of answer your questions?
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5458 days ago
Mandrella Said:
Thanks Chops, that answers most of the questions. Now do I need to setup the loot system on our web page in a special way since we're not using DKP. Never had to setup or loot system on our page before so I have no idea what I'm doing. Is there any type of walk through for setting up the loot system without DKP?

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5457 days ago
Chops Said:
Now do I need to setup the loot system on our web page in a special way since we're not using DKP. Never had to setup or loot system on our page before so I have no idea what I'm doing. Is there any type of walk through for setting up the loot system without DKP?

Not really. There's not much to do by way of initialization if you're not tracking points. If you want to track attendance, then I recommend initializing the Destinations, that way you can get more detailed information about attendance. But as for configuring, there's not much you need to do. Items will get initialized as they are captured by the mod (as they are received).

That's pretty much it.
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