Here is what I want to do. If there isn't a way already, it might be a nice idea. I know that once applications come into the forum they can be destroyed but our guild likes to keep them on file.
What I would like to know or have the option of doing is this:
Once the application is accepted or rejected, I would love to move the application out of the "application" thread that I made viewable only by officers and above and move it into the specific class thread so that we can keep track of the applications that we accept. The problem with this is-- that I've found that by doing this it opens the application up to the guild's eyes instead of just the officers. Will there be, or can there be a way for the Administrator (me) to go in and mark the application as a "private thread" for Officers and still put it in the class thread to be only viewable by officers and not the rest of the guild? (I do not currently see a way to do this- if there is please let me know

) I suppose I could make a dual App/Class thread to put them in- but I guess I am hoping to avoid the extra thread tags if you think it's possible to do this in the future.
So in my thread tags I created Category Application. In this category I have 2 tags. Application and Archive. Both of these tags are only visible by Sr Member and higher and only moderated by officers and higher. Under
Admin > Application Settings I have the thread tag for applications set to Application and they are marked private. Once an application has been accepted or rejected we move it to the Application Archive tag. This way they are still only seen by who we want and are kept so if people that were rejected reapply we can see why they rejected the first time and if it was a simple thing like they weren't level 60 and are now we can approve them.