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DKPProfiler Login

DKPProfiler Login
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Having a problem with trying to log into the DKPProfiler. It isn't letting me. Says Invalid Login/Password. Checked numerous times, password and login are correct. Even changed password.
What is the address you're entering?

It's all in the reflexes.
I'm having a similar issue. The profiler had been working fine for me and then it got an autoupdate and stopped working. The autoupdate seems to have broken it somehow as it says

DKPProfiler has been updated to version

and no actual version is listed. Any time I try to upload it says

Invalid URL. Please make sure you've entered it correctly

even though I haven't changed any settings since I first ran it.

The website is set to "shiningforce.dkpsystem.com" and I have my correct login and password set.
I set the site to initech.dkpsystem.com and I have tried it with www on front of that. Still not working. I also had an "update" after I downloaded.
I just wanted to check up here. Are both of you still experiencing this problem? I can't seem to reproduce it on either of your sites.

It's all in the reflexes.
Quote by Chops
I just wanted to check up here. Are both of you still experiencing this problem? I can't seem to reproduce it on either of your sites.

I had a similar issue when I changed my password. I didn't do a bunch of testing on this but I got it to work by removing a couple of special characters from my password ( "[" and "`"). After I did that it started working.
Quote by Chops
I just wanted to check up here. Are both of you still experiencing this problem? I can't seem to reproduce it on either of your sites.

I just got back from vacation and dkpprofiler updated to version 0.61 (if I recall correctly). Now things are working fine.
Sorry about the huge delay. Have been working alot. As soon as WoW is back up I will check and see if I am still having problems. Thank you for your time on this issue.
ive got dkpprofiler. and it is updating me items and bank , but its not doing my talent tree or professions. am i being daft, or is there something blatant im missing?

I am having the same problem as above with the DKPProfiler. It's saying my URL is Invalid.

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