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New Layout Options

New Layout Options
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New Layout Options
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Creator kbman
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Status Closed
Type Bug
Section of the Site Advanced Layout Options and CSS
Urgency (1 votes)
Rating (0 votes)
Hi there,

I like the possibility you've created with the new layout options for the forum lists etc.

Two things:

- Is there a place where one can find all the new tags you've created ?

- And there doesn't seem to be a place to disable or delete any of the layouts once they've been created.
Official DKPSystem.com Comments
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Both of these are bugs, and both are getting fixed.

Right now, there's literally no documentation for the new sections and the new tags.

That said, if you download the auto-created versions, that'll give you a place to start until all the source code is released (very soon).

It's all in the reflexes.

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