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Modify an existing template

Modify an existing template
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Is there a way to modify an existing template and then upload it to the site to use it?

We're using the Kiljadaen template and I was trying to fix the buttons on the menus to get rid of the 'click to close/expand' text. If someone has a longer name, on the login button, their name goes over the top of that text.

I changed the menu file to fix the initial display, but if you click on them, to open/close, it changes back to the originals since they're defined in the showhide.js file...

Basically, can I make a few small changes to the template and then upload everything back to the site to use it? Is there another way to accomplish this?

Followers of Nobility
Quote by Jedis
Is there a way to modify an existing template and then upload it to the site to use it?

Sure there is.

In order to get my site the way it looks now I downloaded the "Gilded" template to my computer, modified the layout.html and style.css, then uploaded them to my site using the Advanced Layout Options feature (under Layout in the Admin menu).

Ieyasu - Organizer, Ex Cineribus
Yeah, I know about those options, but don't see a way to replace/change some of the other files, like the javascript.

Followers of Nobility
Quote by Jedis
Yeah, I know about those options, but don't see a way to replace/change some of the other files, like the javascript.

Well, I don't know anything about HTML or Javascript or anything - but the 7th line or so of the layout.html file for the Kiljaeden template is:

<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2" src="http://dkpfiles.com/dkp-templates/kiljaeden/showhide.js">

I'm sure if you modify the showhide.js, upload it to your site using the Administrative File Uploader, and then edit the line above in your layout file (and upload that) it should work.

Ieyasu - Organizer, Ex Cineribus
I don't think I'm going to end up doing this...

It seems like an awful lot of work to do just to change the colors of the buttons and stuff. I think it would also possibly break stuff when Chops deploys updates.

I don't think the risk vs reward is worth it. I just wanted to get rid of the Christmas red/green theme that the Kiljadaen template was made with... Changing to another template will undoubtedly change the layout of things and confuse people.

Followers of Nobility
Well, I was bored at work, so I downloaded the template zip and tried editing a few jpg's and then uploaded the edited layout and menupage.

However, it scrambles the layout and adds a bunch of WoW links to my EQ page... I tried editing the -orig files in the zip as well as the ones named 'menupage' and 'layout'... If I try to edit my own layout.html, it's missing a lot of the stuff the layout has in the zipfile and images don't load at all.

Tried a bunch of different times and it keeps throwing the whole site out of whack. Basically, I'm just trying to edit the showhide.js, layout.html and menupage.html. But something is going horribly wrong in the process of editing the links Menu-HeadClosed2.gif and Menu-HeadOpen.gif.

Also, how can I change the background color of the buttons on the site? Like the Ok, Submit, Cancel buttons?

Followers of Nobility
Also, how can I change the background color of the buttons on the site? Like the Ok, Submit, Cancel buttons?

Those will just be in the CSS. Look in the CSS for submit.button or just .button.

As for changing the background colors for the menu headers, you can always simply download the current template code that's on your site by heading to the Advanced Layout Options and clicking "History", then right click the last deployed layout and doing a "save as". From there, you can modify various paths (like the path for the javascript).

In most cases, an update won't break your custom layout. Retaining backwards compatibility is a priority whenever Advanced Layout Options are updated (usually, it's just adding new commands).

It's all in the reflexes.
Man, I blame my work computer for all these issues...

Tried it again exactly how I did it at work and it worked just fine from my home computer Was able to change it to use guild colors and it looks awesome!

Thanks for your help, it's appreciated!

Followers of Nobility

When all else fails, clear your cache

It's all in the reflexes.
Just wanted to let you know that people with long names wrap to the second line of the 'Logged In' button and it overlaps with the 'click to close' etc text.

I erased the text and added a small X to represent close and a minimize/maximize looking button to represent open.


Not that big of a deal, but I'm a perfectionist!

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