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Maximum Rank on Thread Tags

Maximum Rank on Thread Tags
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Thread Tags
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Maximum Rank on Thread Tags
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Creator Saudorun
Creator's Site(s) Mandalorian Ghosts
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Status Closed
Type Suggestion
Section of the Site Forum
Urgency (3 votes)
Rating (3 votes)
In the sense of having the main account for the site being an Administrator and not really a player or a person it would be beneficial to be able to set a maximum rank on Thread Tags. The Administrator account is usually the highest account on the site but might not actually be the GM or even an officer. Today in the construct of the forums that account would be able to read everything. Adding an option to set a maximum rank allowed would benefit in being able to establish Officer only forums that a web style admin that does no officer duties for the guild could not see. This should trickle over to other features as well such as applications and approving or disapproving web accounts. This also would add the advantage of being able to have a multi tier officer structure and having thread tags in the forums that only 1 level could read and one that all could read. It would allow the other officers to discuss and idea before taking it to the GM or Senior Officers (depending how you structure ranks).
Official DKPSystem.com Comments
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The actual change that I've been planning is setting the ranks via checkbox, so one could conceivably have thread tags with completely random configurations (Officers and Initiates, for example, for discussing possible recruitment).

It's all in the reflexes.
Quote by Chops
The actual change that I've been planning is setting the ranks via checkbox, so one could conceivably have thread tags with completely random configurations (Officers and Initiates, for example, for discussing possible recruitment).

Works for me!

Six Demon BagRefresh This Item
Jack Burton: Hey, what more can a guy ask for?
Egg Shen: Oh, a six-demon bag!
Jack Burton: Terrific, a six-demon bag. Sensational. What's in it, Egg?
Egg Shen: Wind, fire, all that kind of thing!

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