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Spend-Enough DKP...

Spend-Enough DKP...
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Here is another system we could implement, with this system we would probably not have to worry about the whole DECY issue. Furthermore it would give newer member a fair shake at getting items, yet still giving the "Vets" a higher chance to recieve 2-to-1 ratio to the newer members which is only fair to the vets as they run more often... this system below "Spend Enough DKP" is a little more fair to the vets rather than using the "Spend All DKP" which is explained at the end of this post.

Spend-enough DKP

Spend-Enough DKP is intended to achieve some of the results of spend-all, but in a less extreme manner. In Spend-enough DKP, players are given priority in order of point total. Eligible players are polled in priority order, and if a player wants an item when their turn comes, that player must spend DKP in an amount 1 greater than the next-highest eligible player. This allows players to keep some DKP after spending. One of the primary advantages to this approach is simplicity of administration, since players are merely required to announce their candidacy for an item and the raid leader can determine everything needed from there.

While not as severe as in "Spend-All", "Spend-Enough" DKP can lead to unwanted items.

This system is mostly immune to collusion attacks, assuming that a strategy for unwanted items is chosen that prevents collusion.

Ok so this is what it will look like at the begining of the run...

After an item drops Shamanistic passes on the item cause lets say it is Gronnstalker's ChestguardRefresh This Item and Huntess already has this item so she passes, although Dora has been waiting for this for a while so she says Bid, so in order for her to buy that item she will need to "Spend-Enough" dkp in order to purchace that item. So her cost would be 1 more than the next highest person in the list, which would be Targose (35 points) so in the end Dora will spend 36 points on that item, so here is how it will be calculated

81(her current dkp) subtract 36(Targose dkp +1) 81-36= 45 So... Dora has a remainder of 45 points left and will move down the list accordingly...


But wait that will still put her above Targose... well that is because she had alot more points in the start than Targose, meaning she has probably attending alot more raids than him... so be it, now chances are if she spends any more, on her next bid it wil look like this

45(her current dkp) subtract 36(Targose dkp +1) 45-36= 9 so she now moves to the bottom.


So in the end you can see how this #1 rewards raid activity and attendance #2 acts as a round-robin system and #3 Prevents inflation.

Is thier a Mod for this as far as polling the order of looting... Does GRSS support this and if so in what way...

Any Thought on this... does anyone use the "Spend-Enough System"


Spend-all DKP

In spend-all DKP, whenever a player decides to purchase an item, that player is required to spend all of his or her current DKP to purchase it. Items are assigned in priority order of number of DKP. This is intended to ensure that newer players will be able to receive items even in a mature DKP system, but that veteran player will be almost guaranteed to get items they have been trying to get for a long time.

The biggest problem with this system is that players are frequently unwilling to spend all their points on certain items, meaning there will be lots of unwanted items. Also, in spend-all DKP, players will not have as much incentive, once they are the current point leader amongst competing players, to participate in encounters that do not have a chance of producing the specific item they are looking for, other than participating just frequently enough so as to remain the leader.

Interesting system?

Of all the guilds that I have seen fall apart since the BC, guilds that use an unfair loot distripution system has been one of the main causes.

This system looks to reward those in the guild that don't attend raids and hence would seem to be unloyal to the guild. And once they get their gear, will be gone. Now there may be some guildies that are loyal but RL has made geting to raids difficult.

Now the argument that it helps newer guildies get gear is mute as those that have been running with your guild for a while most likely have most of their pieces and as such will pass on most pieces for others. If not you have a problem with loot whores and you have a bigger problem. And so what if those that have shown a high level of loyalty (via attendance) get geared first it just means your guild will progress faster through new content by mean of your "core" group having the gear needed to move forward. Which in turn makes it easier for new guildies to get that gear (meaning they have low repair bills).

But no matter how you look at it that system gears those that are not willing or are unable to help the guild progress. Use of that system will mean that those with the gear are those that will not be at raids.

The use of a system that rewards commited, loyal and availible members is the best way to maintain and grow a guild.

Yea i see your point here... but in the dkp admin menu, i could reward those in the rank that matches the more regular raiders more points per boss kill, say instead of 1 point for a boss maybe 2. as they prove them selves as you say loyal... then they will move up in the ranks and start earning the the "Core" players.

What system do you use? and does it work well

When BC came out we reformed. Senior officers had been in a lot of guilds with everything from bleeding edge hardcore to extreme casual.

Since the new guild was semi-casual we ended up looking at all the different DKP systems out there and ended up going with a super simple system (mostly because it's so easy to understand and so easy to admin).

1. Separate pool per instance.
2. Members earn:
          1 DKP for ontime attendance, 1 DKP per boss kill.
3. Members spend:
          ALL current DKP on any on-spec items.
          Void crystal equivalent cost to bank for off-spec items (DKP spend always wins over off-spec).
          ALTs have a fixed 1 DKP

Since we're casual this also worked out well because it means new members or coop members don't have huge hurdles to overcome when it comes to DKP and there is no inflation ever.

It works for us.

If you're looking to research more about DKP systems I recommend the articles on wowwiki. They actually have some good overviews of the different types.
Quote by tkieffer
3. Members spend:
ALL current DKP on any on-spec items.

So... those that could use the gear to be more effective in raids have to pay more DKP??? I would make those that need the piece for personal gain and not raiding (farming gold) pay more for pieces over those that are geting the piece to help the guild in raids.

Quote by Shams
What system do you use? and does it work well

Our guild basically uses a Zero Sum DKP with a few tweeks.

We give dkp for:
1. Being on-time and ready (pots reagents ect.)
2. Being on stand-by (in case some one has to go, which happens offten)
3. Downing a boss (including those on stand-by)
4. Being there from start to finish (including those that were on stand by)
5. And a dividend of the set price from epic gear that drops

We give the piece out if:
1. The piece is for your class and spec
2. Mains over Alts
3. You have the highest DKP of all that bid
4. and you have a 33% attendance

We never shard a piece that someone needs even if they don't meet one of the above requirements.

The way we charge for gear is a set price for each piece. Our original DKP system was NDKP (nurfed DKP) and we figured out how each stat effected the price and now we set our own prices for the most part. When a piece drops, the DKP price is split between all the raiders including the person who got the piece. So if piece in KZ drops thats worth 20.70 DKP we split the dkp equally between all 10 raiders.

The only concerns we have heard of are with newer guildies thinking they can't get gear because long standing guildies have 100+ DKP. But our perspective is that we are getting tired of new guildies coming on runs for a couple weeks and raking in gear and then leaving. This system makes them get involved in the guild and hopefull stay and help the guild out, once we get them their gear. But like right now we are moving towards wraping up KZ and a new guildie can come on a run and get, in some case, 4 and 5 pieces in a single night, and we don't realy need the void crystals so they get tons of gear, negating the complaint.
Quote by Kriknosnah
Quote by tkieffer
3. Members spend:
ALL current DKP on any on-spec items.

So... those that could use the gear to be more effective in raids have to pay more DKP??? I would make those that need the piece for personal gain and not raiding (farming gold) pay more for pieces over those that are geting the piece to help the guild in raids.

No. It's a simple spend all. Nobody spends "more" dkp.

Since only on-spec and useful (to the raid/guild) items can have DKP spent on them and a DKP spend always trumps an off-spec or alt request the end result is that those who need it most (as decided by the guild officers by being on-spec or off-spec) get it.
Yea that came to me later after I posted. I guess it just came accross wrong. I guess my point "1" of how we hand out gear is down the same line of though.
Yea i dont like the spend all, cause the people that raid more often will have a change to get items about 2-1 the not so frequent raiders.

Quote by Shams
Yea i dont like the spend all, cause the people that raid more often will have a change to get items about 2-1 the not so frequent raiders.

I'm not sure where you're getting those statistics. In practice everyone has received loot equally.

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