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Not able to upload to Gallery from Macintosh

Not able to upload to Gallery from Macintosh
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Not able to upload to Gallery from Macintosh
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Creator digitalboy75
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Status Closed
Type Bug
Section of the Site Other/Misc
Urgency (1 votes)
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The last week we've had 3 separate users who are unable to upload any photos at all into the gallery. We've finally narrowed it down, and all three are using Macintosh computers. It doesn't appear to matter what browser they are using, we've tried Firefox and Safari. Before hand I also had them make sure the image itself wasn't the problem; I was able to upload without a problem.

They can select the files to upload, and they show Pending. When they click on 'Start Uploads' the progress bar moves, but nothing ever completes. If they sit and let it go for 15 minutes, it will never complete the upload or show up on the gallery.

Just as an FYI, a few members didn't know they had to click 'Start Uploads' after browsing for just a single file. The fact that it said 'Pending' made them wait, and not click on Start Uploads.
It might be worthwhile to add a line of text a bit bolder 'Please click Start Uploads to begin'. Those on Windows machines were able to finish the uploads fine though.
Official DKPSystem.com Comments
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It's a problem with the version of Flash, Apple's default is slightly out of date. Tell your Mac users to go to: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ and update their computers. It will fix all of their browsers at once.

I had the same problem and this fixed it.

Hmm, I had one of the Mac users try that, and it did seem to work. Thanks a bunch! I'll see if I can close this ticket.
I've gone ahead and closed the ticket. If the problem resurfaces, please let me know.

It's all in the reflexes.

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