Complete Feature List, with examples where applicable |
General Features:
- Pre-Made Advanced Templates. With the click of a button, you can make your site instantly look like any of our available templates. They are free for all guilds to use and modify. It makes guild site creation even faster!
- Full customization of the layout of your site. You aren't locked into a set template or even a set of templates, like our competitors. Your imagination is the limit in terms of customizability of your site. To see one example of a utilizing the full layout-customization sites, view some of the sites listed in the 'Featured Guilds' section under the menu.
- Armory Integration (for WoW). Keep your character profiles automatically up-to-date using Blizzard's Armory. Our scripts will import your character information weekly (Factions, Equipped items, Profession Levels, Arena Information, etc).
- Armory Roster Import (for WoW). If you do not want to use our GRSS Roster import process, you can quickly import your roster from the Blizzard Armory.
- Upload your entire guild list without the need for data entry (using our GuildRaidSnapShot mod)
- Pre-made color schemes to help get your guild's site off the ground and looking good quickly
- User-defined Color Scheme and Logo
- Single Account for all guild needs. The same account will get you into your member profiles, onto the forum, into the administrative area (if you have security clearance), and into the DKP section.
- Guild Roster (Example)
- News Page (Example)
- Member Profiles with Race, Class, Rank, Professions and Profile Picture (Example)
- Color-coded Raid/Event Calendar with Countdown
- Dynamic Pages: Informative pages created by the officers and administrators (i.e. History, About Us, etc) (Example)
- Customizable Links
- Server Status (WoW Only)
- Fun guild-related statistics at the top of every page (Posts in the past week, number of guild members, etc)
- Support for your own domains (ie. for no additional cost
- Coming Soon: Video Galleries
- Coming Soon: Support for MANY more games
Advanced Features:
- New! Arena Team Armory Importing and summary (Example)
- Raid Availability Section so each of your members can state when they are available for raiding
- Importer for the Group Calendar Mod for for WoW
- Guild Map! View the location of your guild members around the globe with an integrated and very easy to use Google Map. (Example)
- Recruitment Status! Easily show which classes you're currently recruiting and in what quantities!
- Raid Progress Menu! Show the world how successful your raid force is! (Example on the right)
- Blogs! Every member of your website now has the capability to create their own blogs
- Shout Box! Add a Shout Box to your website allowing each member the capability to add just a short comment.
- Upload your character's profile to your site, including your gear and items, professions, talents, and reputations
- Ventrilo and Teamspeak Status for your guild, even if your host doesn't provide a Server Status Script
- Member maintained picture galleries
- Chatrooms! They are fully archived and recorded. Perfect for holding guild meetings.
- Raid/Event Signups built into the Calendar function, with optional "approval required" option. Each event can be set up to use Class-based (Rogue, Warlock, etc) or Role-based(DPS, Tank, Healer, etc) signups
- Online Applications with officer-customizable questions (Example) as well as notifications of new apps, and a clean searching interface
- Keys, Attunements, and Completed Quest notification for each member.
- Integrated item Links into most user-entered text (forum posts, news, etc) (Example: Zin'Rokh
- Request for Item: A formal way for members to request items from the guild bank. Officers can then mark the requests as Approved, Denied, or Prioritize the requests accordingly.
- Profession List with searching capabilities (Example)
- Member Maintained wanted gear lists, both in their own section and on their member profile (Example)
- User-Maintained Guides (Example)
- Character Profile Uploads. Let your users to openly show off their gear, items, professions, talents and reputations. World of Warcraft Guilds Only (Example)
- Guild Bank Upload from the WoW Guild Bank, as well as manual entering of GuildBank contents for non-WoW users (Example)
- Newsletters that can be emailed to the website members
- Coming Soon: User-created quests for Roleplaying purposes
Forum Features:
- New: Classic Mode for the forums. Done for those who simply didn't like the way we lay out our forums
- A phpBB importer into our Thread Tags forum system
- Thread Tags: A revolutionary new way of organizing a Forum. Rather than defining several different forums, which can be tedius for members who like to comment on everything, Thread Tags allow members to Catagorize threads. Thread Tags can be associated with Security Levels or Ranks, allowing only those users with those ranks to have access. Instead of making an "Officer" Forum where all officers posts go, make an "Officer" tag, and every subsequent Officer thread will be marked "[Officer]."
- BBCode Editor
- User-defined (non-officer) thread tags. Embrace the cliques in the guild. Allow members to define their own custom thread tags which will only be visible to the explicitly selected members
- Community-Enabled Editing: Give other members access to edit your posts with the [commedit] tag (useful for times when you're trying to accumulate a list of something)
- Integrated YouTube and Google Video. Simply post the URL of a YouTube video or a Google Video, and the parser will automatically insert the video
- Favorite Threads
- Smilies

- Popular Threads: At the top of the site, is a small "Popular threads" section that shows which threads are getting the most action
- Uploaded Files Attached to Posts
- Integrated item Links into posts.
- Search
- BBCode-style formatting
- Automatic Picture parsing (if a picture is linked it'll be inserted into the page, rather than just making a clickable link to it)
- Polls and Voting
- Sticky Posts
- Private Threads (threads only specified members will be allowed to see)
- Character Profile Links integrated into the poster's Information
- Avatars
DKP and Loot Systems:
- An In-Game DKP Interface for World of Warcraft using our GuildRaidSnapShot Mod. Allows players to query their standings, item prices, class standings, bid on items, roll on items, and more! See more information on this here
- Raid summary on the calendar, including Total Attendees, Attendance Breakdown by boss, Items received, No-Shows (players who signed up but didn't show), and more. (Example)
- Pre-initialized Loot and Zones. Rarely will you have to manually enter items into the DKP System, as we have all the major 20+ man WoW instances ready for you with a few presses of a button
- Importer for eqDKP. If you currently are hosted in eqDKP and would like to migrate to, this will do it quickly and painlessly
- Importer for CTRaidAssist. Import your CT_RaidAssist history and record it (specifically tailored to Zero-Sum Systems)
- Logfile importers for both Everquest and Everquest 2
- Advanced Raid Analysis Reporting (Example)
- Multiple Looting Systems on the same account. Compare this with the other DKP Systems, where they each have to have a seperate installation with seperate accounts just to try to use more than one Loot System.
- Current Standings Page (Example)
- Daily Generated graphs on current standings page and member profile pages (at no extra charge)
- Interactive Graph Selection: Quickly view other members graphs with a single click
- DKP Decay: If you wish your DKP values to decay over time (a system implemented to help newer members get up to speed more quickly)
- Items Received List (Example)
- Past Raids List with Class breakdown (Example)
- Who's Received This Item List (Example)
- Ability for users to "Challenge" Raid attendance. Most commonly used if an officer forgets to record your attendance, you can inform the officers of this mistake. Must easier than posting on the forums.
- DKP Attendance Uploading. The fastest and most advanced way to enter Raid Attendance into any DKP System. Using our custom-made "GuildRaidSnapShot" Mod, which can automatically take a snapshot of the Raid when a Major Raid Boss Dies, as well as manually initiated SnapShots via the "/grss" command. By far the easiest way to enter DKP on the planet. World of Warcraft Guilds Only
If you're current site doesn't have all these features, Get one that does |