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DKP duplication display of all raiders

DKP duplication display of all raiders
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DKP duplication display of all raiders
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Creator wsuhoey
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Status Open
Type Bug
Section of the Site DKP
Urgency (1 votes)
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I just uploaded a GRSS file and submitted the DKP for a raid from last night. Entered all the proper info, nothing abnormal or unusual, then when I viewed the DKP standings page, everyone is listed twice.

Our guild URL is:


Our DKP system URL is:


Please advise.


<Brotherhood of the Light> officer Hoey
Official DKPSystem.com Comments
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Go to your Current Standings page and click the link towards the top that says "Inaccurate? Recalculate".

Ieyasu - Organizer, Ex Cineribus
I can't find that link.
I tried looking all around the DKP related admin pages that I have access to. And I don't see it when simply viewing the regular listings page (as opposed to from within the Admin menu).
Can you provide where exactly that link is?
I can't locate it on your page, but on mine it looks like this on my Current Standings page:

Crusaders of the Lost Archons: Current Standings
Only members who have attended at least one raid are listed
Inaccurate? Recalculate

Customize the layout of this page


Ieyasu - Organizer, Ex Cineribus
The issue is resolved.
By looking at the link on his site for recalculating...


I modified it to apply to our guild's site and pasted it into the URL bar as:


and it recalculated and the duplicates are gone.
Note that this was not solved by actually clicking a link on any page.

I believe this template is a common template provided in the templates layout listing. We recently changed it to this one. Can it be confirmed if the designer simply left off this link on the template? Can it be added in? Please note that I did not make the actual layout switch, our guild master did.
Quote by wsuhoey
Can it be confirmed if the designer simply left off this link on the template? Can it be added in? Please note that I did not make the actual layout switch, our guild master did.

It's entirely possible that the link wasn't included when the template was created. If I remember correctly, Wrath was missing some other things when it was released as well.

Need to get Chops to add it in.

Ieyasu - Organizer, Ex Cineribus
Yeah, the recalculate link doesn't show in that template, but it's getting fixed.

It's all in the reflexes.

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