Btw, most of your requests are done/working on the development site, but because we're changing things over to a different deployment method, those items haven't been deployed yet, still working out the deployment bugs.
Thanks so much for letting me know that. I've run several guilds on various hosts and daresay that I tend to utilize hosts such as DKPSystem to their fullest, often uncovering or asking for things that other site admins don't. I was just asked again about a roster automatically updated from the LotRO feed and about a more standard PM system on the site!
BTW, if/when you do incorporate a roster feed, I'm asking for the best of BOTH worlds. Guildportal has a roster that fed directly from LotRO but when you clicked on a name, it just took you to their entry. There was no way to create custom fields like we can here or for layers to add character info. I'd like to see the basic stats drawn from the feed but also allow custom fields like we have now.
Thanks again!