Where exactly are all the locations that one can one find the contact info for a person on the website if they have provided it? I've seen the IM info next to their names in forums posts but I cannot find phone number info.
Also, it would be great if access to this info was associated with a security access level. ie: Phone numbers are great things for officers to have imo, not neccessarily something you want everyone on the website having access to though. Perhaps allow those providing this info an option: 'Share with everyone', default would be 'info shared only with officers'.
By the way, I don't see people's phone numbers on my test account, so I think that's just admin privilege.
<3 Q
Yes I'm pretty sure that is the case.
-- Six Demon Bag Jack Burton: Hey, what more can a guy ask for? Egg Shen: Oh, a six-demon bag! Jack Burton: Terrific, a six-demon bag. Sensational. What's in it, Egg? Egg Shen: Wind, fire, all that kind of thing!