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Sign for raids vs view listed raids

Sign for raids vs view listed raids
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Sign for raids vs view listed raids
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Creator Misen
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Status Closed
Type Suggestion
Section of the Site Event Schedule/Signups
Urgency (1 votes)
Rating (1 votes)
Hi Chops,

it would be awsome if we could make it so that we can choose a minimum rank to SEE a raid and a minimum rank to SIGN for a raid.

I like the fact that the public can see our raiding schedule, since this can save us from answering questions about it ingame and it is a good signal so non members can easily see where we are raiding.

But I also like the fact that I can manage who are able to sign for a raid by rank.

Official DKPSystem.com Comments
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That change was made a week or two ago. Check it out!

It's all in the reflexes.
Holy shit - my bad Chops.

It's awsome, thank you very much.
It's awsome, thank you very much.

You're welcome very much!

It's all in the reflexes.

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