We've added a brand new Code BBCode tag (or rather, we've completely revamped the old one). The original code tag simply rendered things
like this.
However, we've added a brand spanking new code tag, which is both backwards compatible with the original, and also supports a number of other programming languages.: C/C+, C#, CSS, Delphi/Pascal, Java, Javascript, Lua, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, SQL, VB/Vb.net, and HTML/XML/XHTML.
This is the final change necessary to complete the Advanced Layout Guide, which is in the works.
The syntax is:
=language]some code[/code]
So, for example:
[code=lua]function GRSS_IsZoneIgnored()
local zone = GetRealZoneText();
for i,v in pairs(GRSS_ZoneIgnore) do
if v == zone then
return 1;
return nil;
end[/ code]
Would produce:
function GRSS_IsZoneIgnored()
local zone = GetRealZoneText();
for i,v in pairs(GRSS_ZoneIgnore) do
if v == zone then
return 1;
return nil;
This can also be done quickly by clicking the "code" option above the edit box.
It's all in the reflexes.