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DKP Calculations not functioning.

DKP Calculations not functioning.
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DKP is not being credit and/or debited when I upload the GRSS snapshot. I do this all the time, this is the first time I have had this issue.

If 'Willard' was part of the snapshot, and I upload that snapshot to the site, 'Willard' still does not get credited for being in the raid. If 'Willard' clicks on his character and views his raid attendance, it gives him the option to click on 'i was there'. At which point, the points are applied if approved.

Points are also not being subtracted for items spent. In the snapshot, someone paid over 100 DKP for an item; however, even though it shows the item on the page, it does not subtract it from their DKP total.

Please help!
Possibly related:

When I went to upload the dkp from our raid tonight, it's flagging every character in red as if they're not a character in the roster.
Could you attach to this post the file you uploaded? I can use it to help figure out the problem.

It's all in the reflexes.
Quote by Cialti
Possibly related:

When I went to upload the dkp from our raid tonight, it's flagging every character in red as if they're not a character in the roster.

They are related.

It's all in the reflexes.
There, I just uploaded the GRSS snapshot.

Question, did we have to update our addon at the time the site was updated?
Thanks mate. The problem should be fixed. You'll want to just delete the duplicated characters, then re-upload. It should work.

It's all in the reflexes.
Great! I merged each account with the duplicate, worked great!

Thanks again!

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