I gave an account access to admin the menu (they don't have full admin privs, but I do) and now when I try to take away their access, it doesn't stick.
I uncheck the box for menu, click save, and when it reloads, it's checked again.
I think I'm having a problem that is similar to this. I want to give a "Veteran," Silversbro, who helps out with raiding stuff access to editing the guildes, which are currently set to require a minimum of "Advisor." I went into his Website Account and set his Specific Security Access for guides=true. I save and then have him try to edit a guide (which he knows how to do because I'd previously created a special rank for him to give him this ability) and he doesn't have the ability to edit.
When I leave his account and go back to it, the check box still = true. Am I doing something wrong? Any help appreciated.