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Raid standings showing more than 100%

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Raid standings showing more than 100%
Creator Acono
Public or Private Public
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Status Open
Type Support
Section of the Site DKP
Urgency (1 votes)
Rating (0 votes)
One of my members, Speedmetal, is showing up as having 101.9% raid attendance but when I go in and look at his individual raid attendance page he shows 100%

Is there something I am missing here?


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4935 days ago
Chops Said:
I suspect that there's an issue here involving the "All DKP on the account" thing, such that that member has attendance on more than one character for the same event, causing him to have 2 attendances for the same event. I'll have to look more closely to solve the problem.
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4935 days ago
Acono Said:
Quote by Chops
I suspect that there's an issue here involving the "All DKP on the account" thing, such that that member has attendance on more than one character for the same event, causing him to have 2 attendances for the same event. I'll have to look more closely to solve the problem.

Is there a way to export all raid attendance data/DKP data?

Sometimes it would be awfully handy to manipulate it in excel.


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4935 days ago
Chops Said:
Interesting. There's definitely value in the ability to tweak the numbers directly if needed. Thank you for the suggestion.
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4933 days ago
Acono Said:
I found the issue, it's fixed now. It was one of his alts.
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4932 days ago
Chops Said:
Quote by Acono
I found the issue, it's fixed now. It was one of his alts.

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