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DKP - Need member balances hidden

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DKP - Need member balances hidden
Creator Divalish
Public or Private Public
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Status Open
Type Support
Section of the Site DKP
Urgency (1 votes)
Rating (1 votes)
I've been using DKPSystems for years, tried out others, and ultimately feel this is by far the most flexible of all the guild systems in many ways. But of course flexible means ability to customize = if not already an option, site owners can do some work behind the templates. I've been doing that, but this one I really need help.

We've determined with multiple 10-man teams and possibility of 25-man, we're going with a tried and true DKP system that is based on:
1. Player-earned (not just by toon): Thanks! this part is built-in
2. Open DKP bidding. BOP items are bid on spot, BOE items go to guild bank for specified bidding period to be run through our DKP site. Some materials will have static pricing, but valuable gear, pets, or other will be available to all if the DKP to spend on it.
We're doing this so that we take away all perception of favoritism, micromanagement of toons, and give everyone a chance to obtain items of work, whether they are progression, casual raiders, or just casual members. The choices on how they spend will be theirs.

One of the biggest issues is making this system work (and have used this and seen it work incredibly well) is the fact that no one can know what other member's DKP balance is. That way people bid truly what they feel it is worth to them and don't also cause another member to zero-out their DKP balance on a bid because they know how much they might spend. This is crucial.

GRSS tool works well in allowing users to get their DKP balances and to award, deduct based on winning bids or purchases. (Yea-thanks for that wonderful add-on!)

So the only thing left is... how to manage this on all the DKP built-in screens which are very useful. How can I structure to either:
  1. Hide earned/spent/balance from anyone other than person logged in
  2. or
  3. if difficult to restrict per user site user, can these screens be cloned to remove just the earned, spent,and balance fields, and then just allow the select few DKP-assigned officers to have full visibility to existing screens?

I think there's ways to get balances of other players in game if the users get clever with /grss commands, but I don't think it will be a problem. If it is, I'll address at that time, but the biggest issue is solving Open bidding without exposure to all players of each others DKP totals.

I put this ticket as urgent because we have to make announcements to raid teams asap or risk defaulting to a "roll" system (ohhh gawwwd noooo). Thanks for all of your dedication to keep DKPSystems going! There's no other sites were I could see this system possible and it really does work and no one can complain about favoritism, everyone has opportunity, everyone decides what is most important to their toon(s). It's a big win.

Cheers! Divalish
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4217 days ago
Nitesbane Said:
Can't you just uncheck the unwanted criteria from the Admin DKP Standings page on your site, or am I missing the point?

I'd give a step by step, but my guild ditched all loot systems when we went to GW2. It's a fairly simple and straight-forward process from what I remember.
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4212 days ago
Chops Said:
The closest you can go is if you head to Admin > Security > Feature Access[/b] then set the "dkpmenu" setting to "Officer". That will hide any points from all users except officers. Users will still see their attendance history but not their point total. This is typically how "loot council" guilds employ the dkp system stealthily.
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