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Migrating guild - questions

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Migrating guild - questions
Creator Mektasharii
Public or Private Public
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Status Closed
Type Support
Section of the Site Other/Misc
Urgency (1 votes)
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We will probably migrate to another realm shortly, and I am wondering how that would affect the website. We are currently on Burning Legion.

Is there anything i need to do on the website before or after the transfer, if we go through with this and do the actual Guild transfer?
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3345 days ago
Mektasharii Said:
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3344 days ago
Chops Said:
Hi, so sorry for the delay.

Migrating to another realm will not be a problem.

The easiest thing to do is head to Admin > Games > Main Server/Realm.

This will allow you to change the main realm, and in the process, will change characters to that realm.

I'm going to look into why realms are missing. I'm honestly, not sure, but I'd guess something changed on blizzards servers breaking my import process.
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3343 days ago
Mektasharii Said:
Thanks for your reply on both tickets!
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