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Ability to choose "My Tickets" from the Ticket page

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Ability to choose "My Tickets" from the Ticket page
Creator Chops
Creator's Site(s) PiaS
Public or Private Public
Private tickets are only accessible to you and to DKPSystem.com staff
Public Tickets are visible to everyone)
Status Closed
Type Suggestion
Section of the Site Other/Misc
Urgency (2 votes)
Rating (2 votes)
Members need an ability to choose tickets that they've created.
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6009 days ago
Misen Said:
Maybe add a tracking where ppl have replied/voted aswell ?
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6009 days ago
Saudorun Said:
Quote by Misen
Maybe add a tracking where ppl have replied/voted aswell ?

A filter would be nice. Filter on tickets created by user X.

As for the tracking of votes...I would not want to see anything more than the total number of people that voted. I have seen issues arise from polling systems where people get mad when they someone vote a specific way.
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6009 days ago
Chops Said:

As for the tracking of votes...I would not want to see anything more than the total number of people that voted. I have seen issues arise from polling systems where people get mad when they someone vote a specific way.

I think he may be referring to his own votes, such as "Show me all ticket's I've voted on". I think it's actually a pretty good idea.
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6009 days ago
Saudorun Said:
Quote by Chops
I think he may be referring to his own votes, such as "Show me all ticket's I've voted on". I think it's actually a pretty good idea.

Yes that would be nice too. Being able to select every ticket I have voice my opinion via the vote options for.
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6009 days ago
Misen Said:
I think he may be referring to his own votes, such as "Show me all ticket's I've voted on". I think it's actually a pretty good idea.

Exactly what I had in mind
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6007 days ago
Chops Said:
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