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Parsing of special characters

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Parsing of special characters
Creator Drinnar
Public or Private Public
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Status Open
Type Bug
Section of the Site Characters/Roster
Urgency (1 votes)
Rating (1 votes)
Some of the people in our guild have special characters in their charactername. For example Ascii-code 145 æ

The problem is that the mod does not parse these characters correctly. When looking at the dkp list on /grss show these show up as a ?. If someone sends a tell with "!dkpall 1" the reply cuts off as soon as it hits a name with a special character.

This creates a bit of a problem when one of these players bids. The incoming bid doesn't match up with the name on the roster because the roster is showing the ?. This means we have to go through the list and find the actual entry and keep track of their DKP individually until the end of raids and we upload the info to the page again.
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5599 days ago
molebomb Said:
My guild also has a player with a special character, any update on this?
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5598 days ago
Chops Said:
The system should be able to handle the special characters, but you'll want to use the GRSS Roster uploader to make sure that the data is exactly the same as what is collected from the mod.

Then running the Roster Uploader, if it needs to create new characters, let it, and merge the old characters into the new ones.

This has to do with some variations of encoding. In WoW the data is store in unicode, but on the website, when you enter ALT+123, it's not stored in unicode, and WoW doesn't know how to handle that encoding. It's a bit tricky, but if you could upload your GuildRaidSnapShot.lua file, I'll have a look.
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5597 days ago
Drinnar Said:


Please note that there's a character Salvae as well as her alt Salvæ

Quote by Chops
The system should be able to handle the special characters, but you'll want to use the GRSS Roster uploader to make sure that the data is exactly the same as what is collected from the mod.

Then running the Roster Uploader, if it needs to create new characters, let it, and merge the old characters into the new ones.

This has to do with some variations of encoding. In WoW the data is store in unicode, but on the website, when you enter ALT+123, it's not stored in unicode, and WoW doesn't know how to handle that encoding. It's a bit tricky, but if you could upload your GuildRaidSnapShot.lua file, I'll have a look.

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5597 days ago
Chops Said:
hmm...I just ran it, and this is what I get in the interface.

Could you upload to me (you can actually just attach it to a post in this thread) the GRSS_Data.lua file found in Interface\Addons\GuildRaidSnapShot. Make sure you run GetGRSSDKP.exe first, please.
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5597 days ago
Drinnar Said:
Grabbed another screenshot of the problem in action:

If you check the luadkp.php page it's correct....


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5597 days ago
Chops Said:
Yeah, the data is right on the source page (luadkp). That is what's so odd about it all.

Are you running the GetGRSSDKP.exe program to download the data, or are you manually downloading it and moving it to your directory? I'd like to see the GRSS_Data.lua file on your hard drive, if you could upload it for me please.
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5597 days ago
Drinnar Said:
It's attached to post #6.

I'm manually copying off the page and pasting into the GRSS_Data file
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5597 days ago
Chops Said:
Alrighty, we're making progress. Thank you for uploading the data file.

If you look in the data file, the data is stored improperly as ALT+145, showing as �¦. The reason this is improper in this context is because it should actually be being stored as Salv���¦, which is the unicode representation of it.

My guess is that you're copying and pasting the data from the luadkp.php page from the browser. Is that correct?

Instead, you want to do a hard download (right click the link and "save as"). Or use the GetGRSSDKP.exe program.

The reason is that copy and paste doesn't work is because of unicode vs ASCII. The data must be stored in unicode, and the browser is trying to intelligently convert the unicode to ASCII for display purposes. This is fine and dandy if you're looking to just print something or save a text file, but because the code needs to be preserved byte for byte, the conversion process that's running in the browser (or more likely, the OS) is actually changing the code, causing the problem.

Might I ask why you're not using the download program? Don't trust it?
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5597 days ago
Drinnar Said:
Just wary of running .exe's packed into addons. We had someone in guild write an .exe that pulls it down and stores it in UTF-8.

Right-click and save as on the link worked wonders though. Thanks much.

I'll have our guy take a look at his code.
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5597 days ago
Chops Said:
Keep in mind that the source code is provided with the GetGRSSDKP.exe program. It's in GetGRSSDKP.pl (it's perl code). Also included in the readme.txt are the instructions to compile it to it's current form.

This is the extent of what it does:

1) You enter the address of your guild's site and click "OK"
2) It downloads the latest luadkp.php and saves it to GRSS_Data.lua
3) It reads the GuildRaidSnapShot.toc file for the version of the mod you are currently running.
4) It reads the file http://www.dkpsystem.com/grssversion which contains the current version number.
5) If the current version > version on your computer, it asks if you'd like to update to the latest version
6) If you press "Yes", it downloads new copies of the mod (.lua, .toc, .xml, and .txt files).

The code is kept intentionally open for those skeptical.

I understand that people are skeptical of exe's included in Addons, which is precisely why the source code is included. But running the EXE is so much easier than manually downloading it.
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