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Can't Upload Calender for June

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Can't Upload Calender for June
Creator Mandrella
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Status Open
Type Support
Section of the Site Game Addons/Importers
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Today I created the new raids for the first week in June but I can't seam to get them to upload to the web site. I've deleted the grss mod and followed the install instructions. I downloaded the mod and it auto updated. The mod is running because when I type /grss I get the list of options. Maybe I'm doing something wrong since I've only done it a few times with no issues. Every time before today when I logged in I would get the popup asking if I want to purge or keep the grss data and I'm not getting that today. Any help would be great.
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5541 days ago
Mandrella Said:
and yes I'm opening the calender so the mod has access to the calender info before I log out to upload.
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5540 days ago
Chops Said:
Interesting. Could you upload to me the data file you're uploading? Maybe there's an issue with the upload itself, rather than with the mod.
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5539 days ago
Mandrella Said:
Here ya go Chops I think this is what you want.

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5539 days ago
Mandrella Said:
There should be 3 new raids for 6/2 - 6/4 - 6/6.
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5509 days ago
Mandrella Said:
It looks like you fixed the calendar mod for June so I never bothered to post again. Now the calendar mod won't upload events for July so it seams like it's an on going thing.
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