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eqDKP SQL file not uploading correctly.

eqDKP SQL file not uploading correctly.
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I am trying to move over our DKP from dkphost.net. I have downloaded the SQL file to my computer and have been trying to upload it to our website arete.dkpsystem.com.

Everytime I upload the file it appears to only be importing the very begining of the very first raid and some other random information. So you can see what the information I'm trying to import is: http://arete.dkphost.net/f/listmembers.php?s=

And this is what I get on Dkpsystem.com: http://arete.dkpsystem.com/dkpmember.php?dkpsystemid=3

As you can see its a little bit off. I dont know what I'm doing wrong. I have added the SQL files to this post as attachements. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I told my guild I would have this up and running before raid on sunday!

Utgardloki - Webmaster: Arete.dkpsystem.com
Sometimes the eqDKP importer can be finnicky. It's very picky about the format of the data. I'll manually import it for you

It's all in the reflexes.
You sir are the win. Thank you so much.
Here we go. Go ahead and upload these files to your site and you should be good to go!

It's all in the reflexes.

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