I am seriously considering dropping DKP in lew of Suicide Kings style loot distribution. The idea I had was to create seperate list based on the following.
ZG & AQ20
Epic Armor Drops
Epic Weapons and Staffs
Epic Trinkets, Rings, Mounts, etc.
Epic Quest Items (Heads, Trinket pieces)
Roll on Blues
Epic Armor Drops Tier 1
Epic Armor Drops Tier 2
Epic Weapons and Staffs
Epic Trinkets, Rings, Mounts, etc.
Epic Quest Items (Heads, Trinket pieces)
Roll on Blues & Patterns
Each loot table would have a SK list... Meaning, that you get a tier 1 peace in MC ... you go to the bottom of the Tier 1 list, but if a tier 2 pants drops, you are still in your current position until you get a drop. In some cases, you could be removed from a list once you get an item.
I might be making this more complicated then needed or that the system is designed to deal with. The question I have is... is there any interest in seeing such a system here? What I would like to be able to do is generate a list of people and publish the standings.
So I am fishing for some ideas on how to use the current technology we have here without over burdening Chops with yet another suggestion