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Security Privliges not working

Security Privliges not working
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How do I get my members to have \"Full Admin Privliges\" and the ability to have/see the privliges the way I have set them up? Will they see and Admin tab like I do. If an app is submitted where can they go to see it. Casue currently none can???
How do I get my members to have \"Full Admin Privliges\" and the ability to have/see the privliges the way I have set them up? Will they see and Admin tab like I do. If an app is submitted where can they go to see it. Casue currently none can???

I'm having the same problem. When I click on Give user Full Admin Privelages. He still doesn't get it.
Sorry about those. I just made a tweak to the way the security system works, so those people should be getting access properly now.

One thing to consider however, is that when someone is givin access to the system, they'll also need to log off and log back on to the website.

The day Microsoft makes a product that doesn't suck is the day they make a vacuum cleaner.

It's all in the reflexes.
Yeah I figured that out. Thank you again

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