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Ventrilo status
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I'm wondering what we did wrong here all we have is a blank box could you check it out and let us know where we went wrong
hehe..I see the problem immediately. You've entered your IP or Hostname in the format: "hostname.com-(xxx.yyy.zzz.aaa)" and this is an invalid format. It should be either-or: Either enter the hostname as "hostname.com" or enter the IP address.

I'll fix it for you quick.

It's all in the reflexes.
Quote by Chops
hehe..I see the problem immediately. You've entered your IP or Hostname in the format: "hostname.com-(xxx.yyy.zzz.aaa)" and this is an invalid format. It should be either-or: Either enter the hostname as "hostname.com" or enter the IP address.

I'll fix it for you quick.

sweet thnx chops

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