Hi, i just recently started my website and im not completely sure how to do certain things even though I've been playing with it non-stop for the past couple of days. Regardless, I'm trying to figure out how to A) Center my Background B.) Fix that background so it doesn't move when scrolling C) Stretch the background so when ppl view it it is always conformed to the page.
I'm unsure that all of these can be done, but I hope someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks
I'm pretty sure that in order to do what you want wit the background you would have to use an advanced layout.html file. You would have to go under the admin menu and upload the background you wanted to use under
Admin > General Settings > Administrative File Uploader. Copy the link that the file shows up with once it is uploaded. Then you would need to go to
Admin > Layout > Advanced Layout Options and right click the link
Current Layout File and choose
Save As. Once you did this you can edit the
layout.html file. Edit the Body tag and use the appropriate options for the background you chose to use to make is the size you wanted or to stretch it vertically or horizontially and keep it centered.
Currently there are not automated check box options to define the size, stretch, centering, or scroll value of a background image. That might be a nice feature to ask for as it presents some things aesthetically that not everyone can do in raw html.