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Hi there, love everything about DKPsystems. But having a small issue. We have used the event calendar to set up our raids, but when opening /GRSS invite in game, it only lists a guild meeting we had on vent awhile ago, and none of the newer raids from this week appear.

Perhaps I am not doing something properly from my end, or you can suggest something to solve this so we can use this nice feature?

Thank You

Just to be sure, have you re-downloaded the list using the GetGRSSDKP program?

It's all in the reflexes.
Quote by Chops
Just to be sure, have you re-downloaded the list using the GetGRSSDKP program?

I'm not sure I understand sorry, everything else works well. I upload the grss snapshot. Do attendance. Items show. Am I supposed to go into the getGRSSDKP.exe file again? It's already set, I think lol I see chainreaction.dkpsystem.com there

Sorry, but it seems all is ok except for when opening that /grss invite and no raids we have had show, except what I mentioned previously.

Thank You
The GetGRSSDKP.exe file is what downloads the data from your site, so you should run it before every raid. Run it, and click "OK" and it will download all the latest stuff. If you just run it, look at the URL and then close it, it doesn't do anything.

It's all in the reflexes.
Quote by Chops
The GetGRSSDKP.exe file is what downloads the data from your site, so you should run it before every raid. Run it, and click "OK" and it will download all the latest stuff. If you just run it, look at the URL and then close it, it doesn't do anything.

Alrighty, will do thanks

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