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Vanguard tradeskill classes and levels

Vanguard tradeskill classes and levels
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The default tradeskill classes are not up-to-date on the current VG tradeskills. Not a big deal as we can fix this ourselves. What we can't do is change the tradeskill level in the profiles page (this is currently only settable to level 1). Would be great if we could set the level anywhere between 1 and 50.
Will definitely fix that.

What tradeskills am I missing, so I can get them added for future and existing Vanguard signups?

It's all in the reflexes.
The three general crafting professions go from 1 trough 11. At level 11 you can choose between two specializations for each. These go up to level 50.

Blacksmith: Armorsmith, Weaponsmith
Artificer: Carpenter, Mineralist
Outfitter: Leatherworker, Tailor

In addition there are rare recipes that can be learned and various quest-specific skills (such as charm making). Maintaining a list of those is probably hard though, so just a free text field like it is now is suitable.

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