It seems if I make any changes to GuildRaidSnapShot.lua (in notepad) then save the file, the file changes to this:
"|c00ffff00/grss reset|r to delete all your snapshots",
"|c00ffff00/grss show|r to bring up the DKP standings/bidding/rolling screen",
"|c00ffff00/grss invite|r to bring up the Waiting List/Auto-Invite screen",
"|c00ffff00/grss noauto|r to disable auto-snapshot",
"|c00ffff00/grss yesauto|r to enable auto-snapshot",
or this:
"Type |c00ffff00/grss <snapshotname>|r to take a snapshot.", "|c00ffff00/grss reset|r to delete all your snapshots", "|c00ffff00/grss show|r to bring up the DKP standings/bidding/rolling screen", "|c00ffff00/grss invite|r to bring up the Waiting List/Auto-Invite screen", "|c00ffff00/grss noauto|r to disable auto-snapshot",