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Page getting chopped off

Page getting chopped off
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Hey Chops,

Can you see a reason why this page keeps getting cut off? Guessing maybe it has to do with vertical length? It appears I run out room for HTML code, when I submit it cuts the bottom sections of my code out to squeeze down.


Could you attach the file you're copying and pasting in here for me to play with?

It's all in the reflexes.
You can duplicate what is causing me the problem by taking the first chart labeled Matriarch Shyra and copying it Chops. Don't worry about destroying it, I have it all saved.

Okay, since you didn't reply back gonna explain what I do with that .html link in greater detail, I might have been a little vague. Thats where I keep dps parses from raid events. I have a program that exports the data to the clipboard in html format after it parses the log. I open up the menu, go to edit the .html link. I go to the top of the page, insert a header of what mob it is, then I return down a few times and insert the parsed info from the clipboard. When I do this, it starts erasing from the bottom of the HTML code. You can replicate this by just taking the Matriarch Shyra section thats in the file and copying it twice more into the file. You will see what happens. Hope that helps you debug a little better Chops, sorry if I was vague.

I've identified the problem and I'll be posting a fix in a few minutes.

It's all in the reflexes.
Your the man Chops.

Still having this problem Chops. Bump.

Checking on the status of this fix. Bump.

Even if you repost it?

It's all in the reflexes.

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