Hey all.
Quick question .. Chops.. Can I use Group calender with this add on
http://wow.curse.com/downloads/details/3087/TO work with the sites current event calender.. I have incld an explanation of what the the mod does. thanks.
: This mod was written to support the Group Calendar World of Warcraft mod written by Baylord of Thunderlord. That mod is hosted on Curse Gaming's site at
http://www.curse-gaming.com/en/wow/addons-2718-1-groupcalendar.htmlThis program is a PHP script that is to be placed on website and will receive the GroupCalendar LUA file, parse it, and save the information to the MySQL database on your webserver.
The main file for this program is calendar_upload.php and this what does all the work. All it does is save the data into your webserver's database.