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Ranks in Current Standings

Ranks in Current Standings
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Ok! I see the ranks under the dkp CURRENT STANDINGS...but after i change a persons rank on the website, it does NOT change it on the CURRENT STANDINGS page.

how do i manually change it, update it, or whatever?
Click the "Innaccurate? Recalculate" link at the top of the current standings. That'll force a refresh.

It's all in the reflexes.
Quote by Chops
Click the "Innaccurate? Recalculate" link at the top of the current standings. That'll force a refresh.

Maybe I did it wrong somewhere, but that did not work. =(

specific name i was testing on was Gotwa at

his rank is set on the website for Probationary, but it keeps showing up as Removed/Left Guild.
/bump to see if there is something else i can do to fix this?
The person may have the Retired/Quit box checked off in their Character profile. You should be able to check if you to go your admin panel then click Characters, find the person in question and then Edit it. The checkbox you're looking for is the second one I believe.

Ieyasu - Organizer, Ex Cineribus
Quick Question. Did you change the rank of the Account or the Character? If you head to Admin > Characters, and view the account in question, and see if the rank is correct.

Right now, Gotwa, the character has the rank "Removed/Left Guild" and his rank on the current standings is the same.

I see that the Account Gotwa has the rank "Probation." This is the cause of the disconnect between those ranks.

It's all in the reflexes.
Quote by Chops
Quick Question. Did you change the rank of the Account or the Character? If you head to Admin > Characters, and view the account in question, and see if the rank is correct.

Right now, Gotwa, the character has the rank "Removed/Left Guild" and his rank on the current standings is the same.

I see that the Account Gotwa has the rank "Probation." This is the cause of the disconnect between those ranks.

I see it now under Characters... i assumed that if you changed his accounts Rank it would automatically change the rank of all of his Characters as well.

I can manually go in there now and fix all the others. Thank you very much, Chops!
Interesting! if i change his account, it does nor prompt me to change all associate characters, but if I change the rank on his character, it prompts me for everything else (his account, etc).

is that right?
The account change is supposed to prompt, too.

More to fix.

It's all in the reflexes.

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