The DKP system we use is quite simple. We have DKP for things (on time, boss downs etc) and item values for items etc.
When an item drops you might want, you /roll 1-100 and your roll is added to your DKP - highest number wins. We have caps and decay so the DKP doesn't sky rocket.
With this is mind though, when i'm using the mod, and have my members roll, i notice that their DKP total is shown, as is their roll, but there is no functionality to add these two numbers together. I was wondering if this could be a possibility because at the moment i'm sitting there with a calculator and pen and writing down:
player A: (roll of) 15 + (DKP) 16 = 31 player B: (roll of) 80 +(DKP) 20 = 100 etc
ok player B wins item.
and i'm scared of my maths! haha
Is there any way that inbuilt into the mod, there was for example a "totem" column, next to the roll and the DKP which would automatically add these two numbers together? It would be PERFECT for us and save a LOT of time because of my checking and double checking everyone's rolls when ~8 people roll etc.
has this been included in the most recent update? i no longer run a guild but am now an officer in another who have a website here and the roll + dkp addition function or "total" column function would help their system too - is this a possibility?
i haven't used the dkp mod in about 4-5 months, possibly longer around the time when i last posted about this, so i have not had a chance to see any changes to it.
any updates?
additionally, a function that would allow you to choose if you wanted to erase all that members dkp if they've won an item while in game - could this be done? >.<
You are not annoying at all. The very next major thing getting updated is the DKP section of the site, including the GRSS. This is slated as a major addition to the GRSS.
I'd add my vote to this feature, but you're already doing it, so I don't have to.
An interesting feature that would be quite nice for us would be some way to allow people to choose whether they want their dkp added to their roll or not, in the same way that the Ni Karma system works. We use that addon for loot distribution, but GRSS for attendance and loot tracking, and it would be nice to get it all in one.
Dbakes, i totally agree; and the guild i'm in uses that also whereby you can elect to use your DKP or not. Great idea i reckon.
We use a version along the lines of:
* you get dkp for 'stuff' - boss kills etc * you want an item that drops? you choose to use you DKP or not and then you roll /1-100 * the highest total roll wins item (DKP+roll) * for some items like DST we have the same method only you roll 3 times for them (DKP+roll1+roll2+roll3) *
I couldn't even begin to reproduce the thought process that got us to this system, it's what we thought would make the most people satisfied. Here's a discussion of what we use (we modify it a bit, but this is generally it):
yeah i think i'm the same, and with my old guild we used a similar one. i think my current guild's GM has taken snippets from that system and just made it better/more suited.
we don't like huge elaborate systems because none of us could really be bothered with all the hassle of it. i think it's just one of those things where, ok, you get dkp for being there and helping and killing stuff. when stuff drops, you use that to get loot and that is kinda where the buck stops. and so it's not a oh-i-have-500-dkp-so-i-insta-win-item-and-you're-new-to-guild-so-you-get-nothing, we use the roll + dkp because it still gives people a chance. yeah we cater it with decay and a limit but this all comes with trial and error. quite happy how it's turned out in fact.
we had a look through SO many systems and some of them were just so hard to get your head around. i'm no math expert and i really couldn't be bothered, i also hate alt-tabbing mid raid. but so far this method we use does seem to reward the attendees and keep it from being too unfair with inflation. a lot of that credit goes to how the GRSS mod works in my opinion. the beauty of it is the ability to tweak it to your own needs. with that roll + dkp column it will serve every need we have.
Does the new GRSS also track # of drops per night, or some kind of mini history of DKP transactions that haven't been uploaded yet? That's one of the few things I still struggle with, especially on non-DKP spend awards.
I like the random + DKP additions you're planning. Was thinking about using those in the new guild DKP system I'm in.
Does the new GRSS also track # of drops per night, or some kind of mini history of DKP transactions that haven't been uploaded yet? That's one of the few things I still struggle with, especially on non-DKP spend awards.
I'm not sure what you mean by this. The GRSS tracks individual items as they are received.
Yep. Right now unless I write them down on paper I don't see them again until I upload GRSS... and sometimes it can be hard to remember which 4 players got loot on the 1st boss in the instance some 3+ hours ago.
I believe there is a command you can whisper to the person running GRSS that will give you the item history. It's something like !items or !itemhistory
Yep. Right now unless I write them down on paper I don't see them again until I upload GRSS... and sometimes it can be hard to remember which 4 players got loot on the 1st boss in the instance some 3+ hours ago.
So you're just looking for a way to review the items that are currently pending for upload that have been captured by the mod? Am I understanding your request properly?