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Raid Continuation Option

Raid Continuation Option
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Raid Continuation Option
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Creator Sullice
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Status Open
Type Suggestion
Section of the Site Event Schedule/Signups
Urgency (1 votes)
Rating (1 votes)
A lot of guilds have continuation nights of raids, because one night completion isn't possible. For my guild, we set up an event for both. It can be a pain to get everyone to sign up for the continuation or mark themselves as absentee for it.

It would be cool if events had the option of being linked to a continuation event, and it prompted you as to whether you'll be able to attend the continuation or not.

On top of that, you could only sign up for the continuation if you had signed up for the initial event. And if someone says no to being able to attend continuation, that then freed up that raid role or class for someone to sign up for it that didn't sign up for the original event.

I hope that all makes sense, and I'm sure if it does you'd be able to make it much more intuitive than I ever could.
Official DKPSystem.com Comments
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Neat idea, and a natural extension. This is definitely getting done.

It's all in the reflexes.

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