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Layouts Changing on their own

Layouts Changing on their own
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Layouts Changing on their own
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Creator Krysi
Public or Private Public
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Status Closed
Type Bug
Section of the Site Menus
Urgency (1 votes)
Rating (1 votes)
Chops -

I logged in this morning, and there are now 3 servers listed under my Server Status for no known reason.

Additionally, our Raid Progression box has some odd formatting in it now - extra space seems to have been added before and after items and kills making it much longer than it should be.

http://despised-guild.com (http://despised.dkpsystem.com)

Thank in advance.

- Krysi
Official DKPSystem.com Comments
No official comments yet
The Servers were added automatically for characters on your site (this means that you have characters from each of those realms on your site). If you head to Admin > Games, and click on "Servers" you can then remove those servers from your site.

Note: I went ahead and deleted those servers from your list for you. Members will now only be able to choose duskwood when creating a character.

It's all in the reflexes.
And the Raid Progression bit has been changed back.

It's all in the reflexes.
Thanks Chops!

You kick ass!

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