Hello everyone - or atleast a great deal of you
I was wandering what will all of you raiding guilds do now with the comming expansion?
how will you lot handle it, because I'm sure you all have the same questions as I have from the guild and therefore also the same challanges!
Surely you have also had the questions about main swapping - continue or not continue to be a raiding guild. And then the key question -> "what will happen to our dkp??"
The last one is actually the one I am very interested in having input on from you guys.
ofc there is the easy way of just restarting the dkp system - but is that fair?
Or should you just let it decay and say thats how it goes - ofc that will mean that ppl who are high will still be "high" on standings - but with their dkp fully decayed some might see that as a meh solution! We decay till 0.25 % of the value.
how about the 10 mans vs. 25 mans - will you use the same dkp system to cover both or will u split it up??
I'd like to tell you my solutions but frankly at this time I don't know how to do it - maybe some of you can give some good ideas!
If not well then its at least interesting to hear how big a deal other guilds make of the expansion
Cheers guys and good luck