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Guild events gets overwritten

Guild events gets overwritten
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Hey Chops,

We have opened for the ability that some of our members can set up their own events on the calender which is a cool feature.

The issue is though that when they schedule something the layout of the small calender only shows the color of the "private" event so ppl need to mouse over a date to see if there are more events scheduled.

I think it works so that the color of a date is using the settings of the latest posted event?

So is there a way to set the layout of the small calender to only show "admin" scheduled runs?

If not then would it be possible to make the calender show multible color things on the dates where there are more events scheduled? I think I remember a long talk about this in the past as well, but don't think there have been any progress in it >.<

Anyway, I hope you can help on this one!


Sorry to bump this allready chops, but this have caused us some issues with ppl thinking events were cancelled because saw a changed color and didn't mouse over the date itself

This should be fixed now (the non-color overwriting any coloring).

It's all in the reflexes.

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