To do this, head to Admin > General Settings > Full Domain Name, then enter the new domain name into that box. That'll make it work for you as you're expecting.
Alrighty, I think I see the problem here. I think the DNS configuration is just taking an extra long time to propogate for you.
When I try to ping just from the servers in chicago, it works, however, from my home, it does not resolve the address.
That said, it looks to me like you don't have a "www" record set up. The easiest way would be to add a new "A Record" with the subdomain being "www" and the IP address being
Please let me know if this helps.
Quick question: there's a part on the "A Records" labeled "TTL", what do you have in there for the TTL (or "Time To Live")
Aghh this is such a pain in the ass, i just did what you said, and my Cname was already www so i changed it to "" and for A Record i Changed it to "www"
Those Who Fear The Dark...Have Never Seen What The Light Can Do
Interestingly, I've noticed that from my home, it actually SOMETIMES works and sometimes not. I'm not particularly sure what's causing the problem right now.
I'd like to give you a call tomorrow to help you config, or you can give me a call at 414.940.4866
I'm not exactly sure the cause of the problem here, but I'm sure we'll get it worked out.
Okay Chops, I don't know how, but i messed around with it, and it started to work... thank you for being so kind and helpful... and FYI DKPSYSTEM.COM RULES ALL!!!!!
Those Who Fear The Dark...Have Never Seen What The Light Can Do