I have created and setup our dkpsystem site (denied.dkpsystem.com = what I put in to the GRSS setup exe) and configured it over the last two weeks. I followed the instructions to get the data for the grss mod but during our second raid nothing was populated in the mod in-game when I did /grss show.
I do see data for DKP on our site in the standings. I assume that I should see the currnt DKP standings in game when loot drops and not have to jump out to the website to see who has what DKP. Is this normal operation?
If I should see the DKP in-game, as I am thinking it should work, what can I do to get this to function properly?
A common mistake (one which I should put into the FAQ) is to copy the GetGRSSDKP.exe program to the desktop for convenience, and then the user will run it from there. What happens though, is that the program then downloads the data file to the desktop (do you have a bunch of random files on your desktop that were made by that).
What you want to make sure you do is run the GetGRSSDKP program from Interface/Addons/GuildRaidSnapshot.
If you want to make a shortcut to the program on your desktop, that's perfectly fine, you just will want to "right-click drag" the file to the desktop, then choose "Create Shortcut".
Chops, Sorry - your suggestion did fix the problem and I forgot to reply here to let you know. Thanks for the quick reply.
A second question for you - Is there a way to create a Roster that contains say just certain members of the guild and then use that to automatically invite those members to a Raid I set up on the calendar?
I don't want to automatically invite everyone in the guild just certain ranks.
First create the roster (Admin > Characters and Accounts > Rosters)
Then, use the auto-signup function for the events (ADmin > Schedule > Event Schedule, and choose the roster to automatically populate).
Then it will automatically sign up and approve everyone on that particular roster.
Note, if you do it as a recurring event, limit it to at most three months in advance, otherwise doing some things like roster updates and signups can slow down quite a bit.