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menu hover popups - is that bbcode or html ?

menu hover popups - is that bbcode or html ?
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SOLVED: line breaks in my hover box HTML caused the problem.

once i took out all the hard line breaks it became this and worked

<table style="font-size: 9pt; empty-cells: show;" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="" rowspan="">Only North <br>West England<br>entry-program<br>club within<br>70 miles !!!</td> <td colspan="" rowspan=""> <img src="http://dkpfiles.com/oceanwavers/files/logotiny_LuneValleyOceanWavers.png" border="0"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>

Your 'newlines to br hint eventually sunk in.

Original post (left in place for others with same issue. )

HI, first post, and I tried looking around in the forums but I can't seem to find enough info on hover to fix this myself

I have been successfully pasting (what i think is) html code into my hover text in my menu links but the table tags don't seem to work right. I know the code is right, or think I know its right, because the exact same code on the target page works fine

target page http://oceanwavers.dkpsystem.com/dynpage.php?id=68

the code looks like this (with an html /html tag and body /body tags wrapped around it

<b><span style="color: rgb(51, 102, 255);">Lune Valley Ocean Wavers</span><br>
Square Dance Club (England)<br>
<table style="font-size: 9pt; empty-cells: show;" border="0"
 cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
      <td colspan="" rowspan="">Only North <br>
West England <br>
entry-program <br>
club within <br>
70 miles !!!</td>
      <td colspan="" rowspan=""><img

I tried various combinations (by the way, spell check just flagged combinations as not spelled right but I think it is) of the html source (with and without body tag wrappers, html tag wrappers, etc, and none seem to allow it to look right.

are the hover popups mixed bbcode / html or are they bbcode that recognizes some html maybe and thats why it doesn't work right ?

I can get 'a' tags, with hrefs and text, and hrefs followed by images to all work but this one with text beside text seems to have beaten me.

oh, and is there a way to change the hover background color for menu item popups? I fiugred out how to address all the text fields from one of the forum posts but I don't know enough about css yet to figure out how to address the background color and I tried the firefox firebug add-on but wasn't able to decipher using that what controls that color.

E Whitaker
San Marcos
It's a sort of modified HTML, but modified only so much that it converts newlines to <br />.

Aside from that, you should have no problems pasting in your code. I'd be interested to see the result of this in a menu. Do you currently have this in the hover-text of a menu?

Interesting that this is the first time I believe this question has been asked.

As for the background color for the hover, I'd look into adding something like this to your CSS:

table.ttb, table.ttb * {background:red !important}

I believe that should be it, make sure to include the "!important".

It's all in the reflexes.
Solved: see top post
Yes, it's active on the oceanwavers site, right side menu, on the bottom, in the TWINS menu section.


EDITED to add the full page html since my initial post only included the initial text part and the table.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
<b><span style="color: rgb(51, 102, 255);">Lune Valley Ocean Wavers</span><br>
Square Dance Club (England)<br>
<table style="font-size: 9pt; empty-cells: show;" border="0"
 cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
      <td colspan="" rowspan="">Only North <br>
West England <br>
entry-program <br>
club within <br>
70 miles !!!</td>
      <td colspan="" rowspan=""><img

I added 4 links, all of which use the html posted above as their page. each removes a pair of tags from the outside, though the head tag pair only appears in the first.

UK html includes the outer <html> </html>
UK body just includes out to the body tags

the third one discards the body tags, leaving the first two text lines and the table, and the last

UK table just includes the part in the table tags

page targets are 68, 69, 70, and 71 and the html displays right on those pages.

Awesome. Glad you were able to solve it. I hadn't thought of the line-breaks. Nice troubleshooting job there

It's all in the reflexes.

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