By far, the easiest way for you to do this would be to add the following to the bottom of your site's layout:
<script type="text/javascript">
jq(".menu > .menucat")
.click(function(){ jq(this).siblings(".menuchoice").slideToggle() });
This doesn't toggle any on or off by default, but you can do this by adding something like the following to the bottom of your layout as well for each menu you wish to hide:
<script type="text/javascript">
var tohide = ["Facebook","Current Progression"];
jq('.menu .menucat:contains(' + tohide[i] + ')')
In the case above, it will automatically close the Facebook, and Current Progression menus. Modfying the
tohide list (
var tohide = ["Facebook","Current Progression"]) to add or subtract any particular items will hide any listed items by default.
That said, making it
remember your settings with cookies is a more advanced topic. For that I'd recommend reading the showhide.js file found in some of the new templates. That'll help you understand the cookie system with javascript.