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Loot Item Popups

Loot Item Popups
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Something still seems off. Some items are not updating/refreshing.

"Band of Honed Strikes"
(Looted on 4/12 if you look at my "Items Received" list.)

I tried refreshing it twice, but nothing. However, if you search Xanadu directly via their website it finds the item.
Fixed! Thanks for the heads up. I was assuming all images were jpeg. That was a mistake.

Band of Honed StrikesRefresh This Item

It's all in the reflexes.

Hey, that took you 4 minutes 12 seconds to fix.
Nice job slacker!

Quote by OOTO

Hey, that took you 4 minutes 12 seconds to fix.
Nice job slacker!

Wow, I didn't even realize I did it that quickly. I thought for sure you had posted sometime in the past hour. Didn't realize I got to working on it like seconds after you posted.

The easy fixes are easy. It's the hard ones I delay on.

It's all in the reflexes.
Quote by OOTO

Wait! Back to work!
Something still seems off. Some items are not updating/refreshing.

"Band of Honed Strikes"
(Looted on 4/12 if you look at my "Items Received" list.)

I tried refreshing it twice, but nothing. However, if you search Xanadu directly via their website it finds the item.

This is what I see in IE8 on Win764 bit when I hover over that loot link

Very odd. It definitely works for me in IE8.

Do the other items work for you, Shianne?

It's all in the reflexes.

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