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Make it possible to make an entire menu guild only

Make it possible to make an entire menu guild only
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Primary: [Suggestions]
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We all have different menu sections such as "Resources" in addition to the "Menu". I'd like to make the entire "Resources" section have an option to be visable to minimum rank lvl. Currently you can make some things within it like that but others do not give you the option such as Blog Posts.

Is this in the works? Is it possible?
u can do this by using the advanced layout options with


designer of http://aszune.dkpsystem.com
Quote by borkjev
u can do this by using the advanced layout options with


umm i suck at advanced layout options.
It would be pretty straightforward:

Where you have <!--System:Menu:Resources-->, simply change it to this:


Replace "X" with the RankID if the minimum Rank (You can get this from Admin > Ranks)

It's all in the reflexes.
Quote by Chops
It would be pretty straightforward:

Where you have <!--System:Menu:Resources-->, simply change it to this:


Replace "X" with the RankID if the minimum Rank (You can get this from Admin > Ranks)

This is a pretty straight forward change. If you like you can go to advanced layout and generate your current layout, download it, and upload it here. When I get home tonight I'll make the necessary change and re-link it to the thread and you can just upload it, test it, and apply it.

Six Demon BagRefresh This Item
Jack Burton: Hey, what more can a guy ask for?
Egg Shen: Oh, a six-demon bag!
Jack Burton: Terrific, a six-demon bag. Sensational. What's in it, Egg?
Egg Shen: Wind, fire, all that kind of thing!
Quote by Chops
It would be pretty straightforward:

Where you have <!--System:Menu:Resources-->, simply change it to this:


Replace "X" with the RankID if the minimum Rank (You can get this from Admin > Ranks)

Also Chops I think this would be a sweat addition to the Basic Menu Administration options. Make a couple of check boxes as follows:
Menu Item is visible to Rank <drop down for ranks> <> and above or <> and below.

This way people could hide a menu item like the Online Application when a Member is logged in but saying to make it visible to Everyone and below (obviously there is no one below everyone so this should hide it from members that are logged in). And thus people could hide links like the Gallery from non members by simply clicking the right options on in the basic admin menu. You could also tweak the Static Menu and Content are to work the same way. Currently it only supports Rank and higher not Rank and lower.

Six Demon BagRefresh This Item
Jack Burton: Hey, what more can a guy ask for?
Egg Shen: Oh, a six-demon bag!
Jack Burton: Terrific, a six-demon bag. Sensational. What's in it, Egg?
Egg Shen: Wind, fire, all that kind of thing!
I appreciate the offer but really the thought of messing around in there worries me. I have no idea of CSS or HTML really, it's why I chose this service.

I put out the request on behalf of people like myself (and there are a lot of us, we just don't post cause we don't want to look stupid). I just thought it could be one of the options given when creating an item for a menu.
I will say that I am working on this type of functionality currently.

It's all in the reflexes.
Quote by Chops
I will say that I am working on this type of functionality currently.

Chops is truly the man
Quote by Chops
I will say that I am working on this type of functionality currently.

Chops is truly the man

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